All our runs are organised through our Facebook group.

The times of runs change depending on the season and weather.  In the summer, or during exceptional weather, runs may be cancelled or start early to miss the heat.  Always check facebook!

Run meets are held every Saturday morning.

We organise Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced runs to cater for people of all abilities.

Runs are organised via our facebook group, please keep your eye on the posts as times may change to avoid hotter weather in summer.

On Saturdays we ask new starters to arrive a little early so that we can help them with any kit that they wish to borrow or try out, and go over the guidelines for a safe and fun run.

You must let us know that you’re coming on the FaceBook Poll or you won’t be allowed to run.

We also run on Wednesday evenings

These runs are aimed at Intermediate and ‘Tweenies’ (Faster beginners working towards intermediate pace) and there is generally no kit available for borrowing.